

  • Learn about Generations Connect

  • Learn about why an intergenerational approach

What is Generations Connect?

Generations Connect is a project of the Contra Costa Alliance to End Abuse in partnership with the Family Justice Center and The Black Neighborhood.

To start us all off let’s go through the goals of Generations Connect and what we hope to do in Contra Costa through the Generations Connect project.

Goals of Generations Connect

  1. To increase intergenerational ties and help build social connections.

  2. To focus on how to build healthy and safe relationships. 

  3. To learn together and deepen skills as leaders and generations connectors to help strengthen community connectedness

In Generations Connect we will: 

  • Strengthen the leadership capacity of multiple generations, developing opportunities for intergenerational interaction, and identifying how the skills covered in each module impact people differently at different phases of life

  • Create opportunities to cultivate empathy across generations. Being able to empathize with the feelings and perspectives of others is a crucial element for all of the skills practiced in this training, i.e. connection, communication, teamwork and collective action.  

  • Work from real-life experiences and apply learning directly to our everyday lives.

Why intergenerational?

  • Intergenerational programs are those that intentionally connect young people and older adults in meaningful, purposeful activities together. 

  • Intergenerational programs can help reduce social isolation that occurs most commonly in the younger and older generations. Social isolation is a big risk factor for interpersonal violence.

  • Relationships are at the core of intergenerational programs. 

  • Bringing generations together to support each other and address critical issues helps improve lives, build caring relationships, and strengthen the fabric of our society