Cross-Generational Commonalities and Differences 


  • Build empathy and perspective-taking

  • Build trust and connection

  • Provide opportunities to examine how ageism may impact outside- and self-perception about leadership abilities

Perspective-taking and empathy

(ADD TEXT - Include something about how age is not the only factor that creates differences in our perspectives, but can be impacted by other experiences and our race/ethnicity, where we live, our gender and our economic status, etc. )


We are going to explore what you learned from your cross-generational conversations about commonalities and differences between generations (20 min)

  • Think about:  

    • What did you learn from your cross-generational conversations homework?

      • From an older person's perspective, what did you learn? From a younger person’s perspective, what did you learn?

      • Think about an issue that is important to you. How might another generation experience, think about, feel, and approach this issue? How would you represent their perspective?

    • How can we help others’ understand the perspective of different generations? 

    • How did it feel putting yourself into another perspective? 


Find a person who is a different age (generation) than you to play this Jeopardy game and learn more about your commonalities and differences.