Domestic Violence Homicide Prevention Demonstration Initiative & Lethality Assessment Protocol (LAP) (OVW Grant)

Key Partners: Richmond Law Enforcement, Concord Law Enforcement, Brentwood Law Enforcement, STAND! for Families Free of Violence

Team Lead: Alex & Natalie

In 2015, the Alliance successfully launched the Federal Demonstration project - Domestic Violence Homicide Prevention (DVHP) and Lethality Assessment Protocol (LAP) pilot - in Richmond, Concord, and Brentwood. This program is grant funded through the Office of Violence Against Women (OVW). LAP is helping law enforcement better identify the most potentially harmful domestic violence cases and immediately connect them to critical, sometimes lifesaving, services, and resources. The program identifies high-risk victims who have never accessed and/or may not have been aware of domestic violence services. Identification is done through the use of a lethality assessment screening tool that law enforcement utilize. The program provides an access point to services (that they may not have otherwise accessed) for victims at risk of being killed.
