
NO MORE is a unifying symbol and nationwide campaign to raise public awareness and engage everyone in the effort to end domestic violence and sexual assault. Contra Costa County is partnering with community leaders to send the NO MORE message into our schools and beyond. What can you do to make a difference? Take a look at few of the suggestions below from


  • KNOW MORE: On average, 24 people per minute are victims of rape, physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner in the United States. Silence and lack of knowledge about these problems play a large part in why domestic and sexual violence continue to persist. Understanding the warning signs or red flags for domestic violence, sexual assault, and abuse is a critical first step in addressing and preventing these crimes.

  • STAND WITH SURVIVORS: Did you know that 65% of victims who come forward to someone say that no one helped them? If someone discloses that they have or are being abused let them know that the abuse is not their fault. It may be difficult for them to talk about the abuse but you don’t need to be an expert, you just need to be a friend. Reassure them that they are not alone, they are not to blame for what happened and that there is help and support out there. Help them find local resources to support their needs and safety, and provide them with the appropriate hotline info but ultimately, respect their decision and be patient. Healing from trauma is a lifelong journey.

  • SPEAK UP: Challenge comments that blame the victim for what has happened to them by letting your friends know that blaming the victim is inappropriate and offensive and encouraging them to consider why society questions the victim’s behavior rather than the perpetrator’s behavior. Learn how you can safely step in and speak up when you’re witnessing behavior that may put someone in danger.

  • DONATE: Donate your time or funds to help support local domestic violence shelters, rape crisis centers, and violence prevention programs. Host a fundraiser at your school, church, or community center where others can learn about these issues but also give financial support non-profit programs that help victims overcome trauma.

5 Things You Can Do to End Sexual Assault & Rape Culture

  1. Embrace Your Voice: How you talk about sexual violence matters. The things you say every day send a message about your beliefs and values. When you stand up for survivors of sexual violence, you send a powerful message that you believe and support them. Download here.

  2. Everyday Consent: People often think consent is only important when it comes to sex. Really, consent is about always choosing to respect personal boundaries. By practicing consent in everyday situations, you show that you value the choices of others. Download here.

  3. Healthy Communications with Kids: Whether you’re thinking of your child, grandchild, niece, nephew, or friend’s child, you want them to always feel safe and secure. Help kids feel safe by teaching them that the choices they make about their bodies deserve to be respected. Download here.

  4. Understanding Sexual Violence: Sexual violence happens in every community.How you understand and talk about it matters. Become an agent for change by using your voice to shift how others think about and react to this critical issue. Download here.
