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Working with Gender-Expansive & Transgender Children

Hosted by the California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare

When working with gender-expansive & transgender youth in any capacity, it is crucial to have a compassionate understanding of how one’s gender identity or gender expression impacts the child & their ability to be authentic. In this webinar, participants will learn (or review) basic language for discussing & understanding gender-expansive & transgender youth. We will be discussing the differences between & interactions of various aspects of children’s gender identity & gender expression. We will be exploring the concept of gender dysphoria, how it impacts transgender youth, & interventions available to them including social transition & beyond. Most importantly, we will be discussion the best ways to support, affirm, & advocate for these young individuals.

By the conclusion of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Define basic terms regarding gender expression & gender identity

  • Assess for the presence of gender-expansiveness regarding expression or identity within the youth, how this impacts their well-being, & if their needs are being addressed

  • Implement affirmative, compassionate interventions when working with gender-expansive & transgender youth

For more information, click here.

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