Contra Costa County Call to Action: Preventing Interpersonal Violence

Key Partners: The Prevention Institute, Contra Costa County Family Justice Center, Contra Costa County Public Health Department

Team Lead: Hisham, Alex & Devorah

The Contra Costa County Alliance to End Abuse and the Contra Costa County Department of Public Health are co-leading a planning and capacity-building process to develop a countywide Call to Action to promote safety and reduce interpersonal violence, with consultation support from Prevention Institute. The Call to Action will provide vision, values and identify goals and strategies to create a unified direction for multiple stakeholders. It will be grounded in prevention and public health principles, and acknowledge that multiple forms of violence and abuse are preventable sources of harm in our communities, shaped by structural and community conditions, that can be significantly reduced through collective, strategic action. We originally called it a Blueprint because it is not a work plan but rather a tool to guide change, co-created with a diverse range of partners and stakeholders.
